Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

4 Gersende Georg, Marc Cavazza, Catherine Pelachaud. Visualizing the Importance of Medical Recommendations with Conversational Agents. In: H. Prendinger, J. Lester, and M. Ishizuka (Eds.), LNAI 5208. Proc. of 8th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2008), September, 1-3. 2008, Tokyo, Japan. 380–393. download

5 Gersende Georg, Catherine Pelachaud, Marc Cavazza. Emotional Reading of Medical Texts Using Conversational Agents (Short Paper). In: Padgham, Parkes, Müller and Parsons (eds.), Proc. of 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), May, 12-16. 2008, Estoril, Portugal. 1285-1288. download

6 Gersende Georg, Marie-Christine Jaulent. A Document Engineering Environment for Clinical Guidelines. In: Peter R. King & Steven J. Simske. DocEng’07 – Proceedings of the 2007 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering. 28-31 August 2007, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. ACM Press, New York NY, USA. 2007;:69-78. download

7 Gersende Georg, Marc Cavazza. Integrating Document-based and Knowledge-based Models for Clinical Guideline Analysis. In: R. Bellazzi, A. Abu-Hanna, J. Hunter (editors). Proceedings of 11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe.
; 7-11 July 2007; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence 4594, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heideberg;
2007;:421-430. download

8 Gersende Georg, Marie-Christine Jaulent. An Environment for Document Engineering of Clinical Guidelines. In: CP Friedman, editor. Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association; 22-26 October 2005; Washington, DC;2005;:276-280. download

9 Gersende Georg, Isabelle Colombet, Marie-Christine Jaulent. Structuring Clinical Guidelines through the Recognition of Deontic Operators. In: R Engelbrecht, editor. Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe 2005; 28 August – 1 September 2005; Geneva, Switzerland; IOS Press Amsterdam. 2005;116:151-156. download

10 Gersende Georg, Brigitte Séroussi, Jacques Bouaud. Synthesis
of Elementary Single-Disease Recommendations to Support Guideline-Based
Therapeutic Decision for Complex Polypathological Patients.
In: M Fieschi, editor. Proceedings of MEDINFO Symposium; 7-11 September 2004; San Francisco; 2004;:38-42. download

11 Gersende Georg, Brigitte Séroussi, Jacques Bouaud. Does GEM-Encoding Clinical Practice Guidelines Improve the Quality of Knowledge Bases? A Study with the Rule-Based Formalism. In: M Musen, editor. Proceedings of the American Medical Informatics Association; 8-12 November 2003; Washington, DC; 2003;:254-258. download

12 Gersende Georg, Brigitte Séroussi, Jacques Bouaud. Managing Theoretical Single-Disease Guideline Recommendations for Actual Multiple-Disease Patients. In: M Dojat, editor. Proceedings of 9th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe;
18-22 October 2003; Protaras, Cyprus; Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence 2780, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heideberg; 2003;:168-172. download

13 Gersende Georg, Brigitte Séroussi, Jacques Bouaud. Interpretative Framework of Chronic Disease Management to Guide Textual Guideline GEM-Encoding. In: R Baud, editor. Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe; 4-7 May 2003; Saint-Malo, France; IOS Press Amsterdam. 2003;95:531-536. download

14 Gersende Georg, Brigitte Séroussi, Jacques Bouaud. Dérivation d’une base de connaissances à partir d’une instance GEM d’un guide de bonnes pratiques médicales textuel. In: R Dieng-Kuntz, editor. 14e journées francophones d’Ingénierie des Connaissances; 1-4 July 2003; Laval, France; Presses Universitaires de Grenoble; 2003;:51-66. In French. download

15 Gersende Georg, Brigitte Séroussi, Jacques Bouaud. Synthèse de recommandations établies par pathologie pour l’aide à la thérapeutique des patients polypathologiques.
In: A. Harmel, R. Hajromdhane, M. Fieschi. Technologies de
l’information et de la communication pour les pratiques médicales.
Collection Informatique et Santé dirigée par P. Degoulet et M. Fieschi.
Springer 2003;16:242-254. Comptes rendus des dixièmes Journées Françaises d’Informatique Médicale, 4-5 september 2003, Tunis, Tunisie. In French. download